Graduation Information

It is the student's and learning coach's responsibility to check his/her four-year course planner to see if the student is on track to meet MNVA-HS graduation requirements. If a student or learning coach has a question regarding graduation requirement, he/she needs to contact the school counselor or the student's academic advisor.

All MNVA-HS students and their learning coaches will work with the MNVA-HS placement team to schedule the appropriate classes based on credits earned from previous districts and in accordance with the Houston Public School District graduation requirements. If a student has successfully completed high school credit generating courses prior to admission to MNVA, MNVA will request a copy of the most recent transcript from the previous school, and any credits on that transcript that apply toward MNVA’s graduation requirements will be added to the student’s MNVA transcript. The number of credits granted is based on the number of credits required for graduation at the prior school as a ratio to the number of credits required for graduation at MNVA. The goal is to accurately reflect the courses students have completed and the graduation requirements met.

48 credits needed for Minnesota State Graduation.
Subject areas and the number of credits required for each subject in grades 9 through 12:

  • Social Studies - 7 credits (3 1/2 years)

  • English - 8 credits (4 years)

  • Science - 6 credits (3 years)

  • Math - 6 credits (3 years)

  • Careers - 1 credit (11th or 12th grade)

  • Fitness/Health - 3 credits

  • Fine Arts - 2 credits

  • *Electives - 15 credits (RYAP may be a required elective)

*At least two consecutive years of a world language class are highly recommended for college-bound students.

One credit will be earned for each successfully completed course. Six classes per semester, or twelve credits per year, can be earned. Only students on track to earn a total of 48 credits by the end of the school year will be allowed to participate in MNVA's graduation ceremony. Students who are behind in credits will have the option of being honored in the following year's graduation service.

All MNVA-HS students in grades 9-11 are mandated by the state of Minnesota to participate in graduation assessments. Based on the revisions to Minnesota Statues, section 120B.10, there are different routes to meeting graduation assessment requirements depending on what year students were first enrolled in grade 8. Parents/guardians should contact their guidance counselor for further information about specific requirements.
Additional details and information will be provided on the Minnesota Department of Education's (
MDE) website as needed.